[Вопрос] Fassade

Hallo, it's possible make a facade like this? Thank you for help.

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Here are some FAQ's about the facades
Facade [ENG]
Fassade [GER]

Lg René

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yes use the facade tool

Lg René

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Цитируется из: vRene
yes use the facade tool

Thank you vRene for info!
I know this command but in my opinion it's not possible with facade composed in one step (horizontal elements and vertical elements). In my opinion it's possible with two step: one step with facade composed with vertical elements and one step with facade composed with horizontal elements.

If your drawing is a Section, then you are right! But you have labeled the horizontal Element as "wall", so Rene (must) understand your drawing as floor plan !!!

Цитируется из: Nemo
Se il tuo disegno è una Sezione , allora hai ragione! Ma hai etichettato l'elemento orizzontale come "muro", quindi Rene (deve) interpretare il tuo disegno come planimetria !!!

Hi Nemo, thak you for clarification. Sorry, my drawing it's plan view.

Hallo, there is still some guide step by step of facades?

Here are some FAQ's about the facades
Facade [ENG]
Fassade [GER]

Lg René

Цитируется из: vRene
Here are some FAQ's about the facades

Facade [ENG]

Fassade [GER]

Thank you Rene!

Hallo, how make brackets on each jamb? Like linear object (point or line) or point object (point or line). P.S. Brackets is make with solid object. Thank you.

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Look at the template "01d visibly screwed".
There the same is done with the screws.
It is a line object, with a subdivision...

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