[Вопрос] How to check which drawing file does element belong to? [Решен]

Hello. How to check quickly which drawing file does an element belong to? Is it possible to do it without browsing an entire structure manager?

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Yes, you can see it in "click right > Format Properties" and go in the 2nd tab "Information" to see it.
You can also see this information when you pass the mouse on the element. To get this, go in Options and check the box "Document" as you can see in the attached picture.

Вложения (1)

Type: image/png
Загружено 20 раз
Size: 54,33 KiB

Yes, you can see it in "click right > Format Properties" and go in the 2nd tab "Information" to see it.
You can also see this information when you pass the mouse on the element. To get this, go in Options and check the box "Document" as you can see in the attached picture.

Вложения (1)

Type: image/png
Загружено 20 раз
Size: 54,33 KiB

Thank you very much

You're welcome!