[Вопрос] Axis grid in Visual Scripting

  • Visual
  • Scripting
  • Axis
  • Grid

Hello everyone,

I would like to create an axis grid from intersection points in VS. I am aware that there is a node for that but the problem I have is once I use this script in Allplan it creates a PythonPart and when I use Unlink smart symbol Allplan creates either Smart symbol or 3D Polylines. I would like it to act as if it was made natively in Allplan so it should be axis grid.

Could anyone help me with this problem?

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Thanks for describing the problem you want to solve. Much appreciated!
It sounds interesting to me. We will make it available, once the Python API supports it.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

Currently, it isn't possible with VS to create axis grid, because the Python API doesn't support it yet.

As far as I know, the axis grid object in Allplan is already parametric. Maybe you can explain why you would like to use VS to create an axis grid?

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

I usually have DWG drawings from architects where the axis grid is made of lines. I have to make the dimension lines and then enter the numbers in the grid, but a lot of times there are way too many numbers and it takes too much time. I wanted to make it easier so that I could select a grid and it would create an axis grid without having to enter every single number.

Thanks for describing the problem you want to solve. Much appreciated!
It sounds interesting to me. We will make it available, once the Python API supports it.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

Цитируется из: prokopova
I wanted to make it easier so that I could select a grid and it would create an axis grid without having to enter every single number.

You can make a script that does something like this:
1-Select lines
2-Get distances
3-Put the distances in a text that should be the same as the needed for axis grid ("2*12;3*8;5;4;6" or something like that)
4-Put that text as a text object

Explode the python part and just get the text and put it in the grid properties.

It doesn't sound particularly sensible to me to “wrap” the “axis grid” function, which you can't use properly with the UI, in a Visual Script node. Even if it is “parametric”! Don't forget: You need the context-menu for adaption of certain grid lines!
How many inputs should the corresponding node have?

It seems much more sensible to me to provide a “Takeover” button in the axis grid, with which you can manually transfer pre-drawn or imported lines including labeling into an axis grid!

All users would benefit from this, and this “overtake” function could then be “packaged” in an “overtake axis grid node”.