
Is there any easier way to create a simple straight bar shape than the way it is shown on the attached picture?

The top one is a 'LongitudinalBar' creation, which only consists of 3 nodes.
I was only able to create a straigh bar (BarsByPolyline) by utilizing 7(!) nodes for it! There are 4 extra nodes (5 if you count the one where you give the concrete cover value) just to create a polyline with the neccessary concrete covers at bar ends from the reference points.

I can't get my head around this.
It is a quite simple task, basically the Longitudinal bar node should have two more checkboxes to control the creation of the hooks on the bar ends (Yes/No), like when you create a bar shape in Allplan. Now if you give '0' value, Allplan creates the default hook length regardless if you want it or not.

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