SweepByRailPath error

  • Allplan

Hello, I'm new to Visual Scripting.
I created a cross section(to the left of the image) and three 3D polylines(to the right of the image). I want extrude them with SweepByRailPath
I get an error when I try to extrude and select polylines.(SweepByRailPath: Generating rail swept brep with path failed!)
How can I solve it?

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Type: image/jpeg
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You need 2 Profiles for this.
In addition, the rails must start and end at the profile corners to be connected!

Please always look at the corresponding function in the 3D modeler to see what is “required” there to create a body.
The nodes only “encapsulate” the modeler function. This means that the requirements for the profiles and curves are the same!

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Type: video/mp4
Загружено 291 раз
Size: 2,96 MiB

Thanks for the reply.
Is there a way to solve my problem with visual scripting? I have as input only a cross section and three polylines (two rails and a road axis). I would like to extrude the profile on the three polylines.
Thanks in advance

The cross-section and the polylines at this position cannot be extruded with a RailSweep node!

Possible solution:

1. copy the cross section to the “sweep end position”
2. move the polylines so that they connect the cross-section

You can do this “before transferring” to VisualScripting with Allplan functions.
Or you can do the copying and moving in VisualScripting with the NodeCopy and NodeTranslate nodes. But first you would have to know how and where the polylines are to be “attached” to the cross-section! Then you can calculate the vector for copying and also move the polylines accordingly.

Thank you!!