Feature request

Good afternoon ,

I want to ask you one feature. I think allplan is a very good and logical program but sometimes there are things that i dont understand

When i select one wall in the side panel appears the proprieties panel with the possibility to edit the object axis , but is not possible to change the thickness of the wall clicking on it , to change the thickness i have to open the window that is way more long, why dont you put the possibility to change the wall thickness ? I think that changing the axis and not this one is not sense

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Double left-clicking on the wall opens the window with all the parameters.
This is the best way of modifying any wall parameter (thickness, height, material, colour, etc.).
The properties palette already contains a lot of information. Adding more would be even more confusing.

i dont think that it will be more confusing it will be more reasonable also because i dont understand why put the axis and not the thickness so one have to click everytime the window to open it is very tiring and slow the integration would be very simple in the proprieties panel


From your point of view...
So what else do we need?
Change the heights?
Change the stroke type, the colour, the surface, the materials?
And finally, anything that is in the settings window...
With a double left-click, displaying the full window doesn't really take any longer than displaying it in the palette. It's clearer and more visible in the settings window.
But everyone has his own point of view.

with the new multilayer slab the not wanting the properties palette confusing argument allready is proving to be invalid. That tool is a complete mess without a proper context toolbar

Zitiert von: Bertrand_C
From your point of view...

So what else do we need?

Change the heights?

Change the stroke type, the colour, the surface, the materials?

And finally, anything that is in the settings window...

With a double left-click, displaying the full window doesn't really take any longer than displaying it in the palette. It's clearer and more visible in the settings window.

But everyone has his own point of view.

From my point of view only the thickness should be added , if you dont put the thickness is meaningless to put the axis because is the less important of the two ... yes is sonly my point of view ...

I can explain you also why ... when you draw is more frequent to change the thickness of a wall rather than the axe ... at least for me but i think for many ... so putting it in a more accessible way would be better and make a faster workflow . The way is now you have to open the window everytime to do that simple operation which could be avoided.

The more elements the property palette contains, the slower it will be... It's the same as opening a window. But as I said, everyone has their own point of view.