Hatching to indicate 300x300 floor tiles [Gelöst]


Could you please indicate ( step-by step) how to use the Hatching feature in Allplan 2009 to create a floor tile layout of 300x300mm in size.

Many Thanks


Hi Darryl,

look for under the E-Learning for examble this: "2D Drafting: Finger Exercises" and than:"FFC010 Eaves Detail Hatching, Patterns and Fills"

best regards and I hope it's promising


Hi Darryl,

if you like to draft the tiles by using the Hatching command of Allplan it´s important that you know how a Hatching is defined in Allplan. To view the definition of a Hatching you can open from the menus: Tools > Dafaults > Hatching.

In the Dialog Hatching Definition you can now check the definition of a hatching by selecting the Hatching number (for instance #4) and change it. Sometimes it might be better to select a free Hatching number and create your own Hatching Definition withouth changing an existing one.

As you can see in the picture 1, I selectet a Hatching with a Line spacing of 3.00 mm and a Reference scale of 100.00.

This means that you can use this Hatching Adjusting to scale in layout Reference scale based on defaults (see picture 2) and the result in this case should parallel lines with the spacing you need.

Instead of using Hatching, you can also use the Pattern command of Allplan. If you prefer this you also should create your own pattern definition bevore you draft it with the Pattern command.

More informations about Hatching and Pattern you will also find in the Allplan help (F1 key)or in the Allplan 2009 Tutorial Basics which you can download here:


Regards Martin Terfloth

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