Import .prj folders? [Gelöst]

I've just reinstalled my windows vista and did one stupid thing - I've only copied all projects from my storage folder to other location instead of using Allmenu and all this stuff. Now I have about 80 .prj folders, but neither Allplan 2009 nor Allmenu can read them. Can I re-use these projects in any way anymore? Some of them are pretty important...

Hi Jakub,

please close Allplan and start the Allmenu (System Services).
Select from the Menu Services and then Hotline Tools.

From the Hotline Tools select the tool reorg und run the tool "Projektverwaltungsdatei wieder herstellen" which is the german expression. In english it is something like "repair projectadministration". I´m not total shure, because I have right now no english installation in front of me. But I think also in a english Allplan installation it is the tool at the bottom of the list.

When you run the tool Allplan will create a new project.dat file in your folder ...\prj which contains a list of the projects which can be found in your project path.

Now you can start Allplan again and open your projects by Open project... from the Menu File.

I hope this works and will help you.

Regards, Martin

Great, it solved my problem. Thank you

If you are happy I´m happy to.

Nice evening, Martin Terfloth