[Frage] The problem of Excel export

Good afternoon. In 2017 Alplan not work export from Excel. Help solve the problem.

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Hi Ilya,

Please check if the Show fileset structure option is active in the Settings of the Open on a project-specific basis: drawing files from fileset/building structure dialog box.

Best regards,


Dear ILya,

Are you sure about this fonctionnality.

This is use to import data from an xac file.

The best is normaly to export from Allplan to a new file. The new file can be edit manualy and than you can import this modified file and get the data back Inside Allplan.

Let's explain again:

You have some object, 3D, architectural element.
You make an export from the export tool and you get a xac file.
By open this file, you can see all object and some data, like material and attribut.
You can change value( no dimension, only attribut our of the geometry).
And you can import the new file, every change will be comes back to them original object.

Bye & Good Use!

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