[Frage] Two questions about symbols


I'm new to AllPlan 2020 after having used the 2105 version for a while and I have a problem with the symbols I use from the AllPlan symbol library:
I put a symbol into a project and often it's at the wrong elevation. I found out quickly that I can't use the "Move" command to change the elevation so I go to the Properties menu and in the Geometries section I change the number at "Start point Z" to the elevation I want. This moves the symbol to the right elevation, but if I close the fileset, even after saving it, and reopen it, the symbol is back to the wrong elevation. This also happens if I move a symbol horizontally using the "Move" command - the symbol drops back to elevation 0.00.
Is there a way to raise or lower symbols and keep them at that elevation?

Also, I see that there are very few symbols in the default symbols library that came with AllPlan Architecture. Are there more symbols libraries available somewhere? I know that I can import symbols from other programs like SketchUp, but are there libraries made for AllPlan available?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Hello FredN1,
I'm wondering about this too. Did you find any solve?

Thank you and Best regards


Thank you for asking. Yes, I found the solution - to use the Properties area and change the elevation there.