[Frage] Add 2D Smartpart baze control points (Hilfkonstruktion Abstandsflächen )

  • SmartPart
  • Smartparts
  • Plugin-Download


I saw that there is a simple 2d SmartPart for the new distance surface control in the BayBO. The terrain calculates and displays the areas of distance. But I have seen that the possibilities of the form are limited, the base a rectangle. I tried to add other control points to build more complex shapes, but I could not make it work well.
In the picture...on the left you see the smartpart found with the regular shape, on the right another shape of the more complex baze.

Best regards!


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Die im SMT erzeugten "Abstandsflächen" genügen nicht den Anforderungen der aktuellen BayBO und dürfte auch für andere Bundesländer kein korrektes Ergebnis bringen.

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Thanks for the help!

Would it be possible to have all free coefficients to be able to modify according to federal states, in this smartpart?
Because they are all hidden inside the script language formal.