[Frage] Reinforcing the repeatable elements [Gelöst]

  • Allplan
  • Repeatable elements
  • Reinforcement
  • Legends


I am looking for any way to reinforce the repeatable elements. To be specific - There are many columns, beams, holes in slabs marked with symbols S1, S2, ... S30 (b1,d1 etc) and there is no point to reinforce every S1 column, while I may create a section of one such column - create some legend to check how many of them I have in the project and modify number off factors to have the right number in the specification.

Here problem comes - how can make any universal tool (legend) to count the number of elements with atribute name X, that would work for any type of elements not only for specific S1, so I will not make thousand legends for every combination from a1 to z50 - but just one for all.
And the next step is how to apply that number of pieces to multiply the number of rebars automatically ?

I attached a picture of how it should look like.

I would be most grateful for any advice as soon as possible.

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I make 1 instance, than i copy everything as many times as needed. you can copy somewhere it wont show on any layout. most important is that you copy armature. But if ou like calculating there is an option where you can manually add extra rebars of certain mark.
If there is a better way, let me know.

I make 1 instance, than i copy everything as many times as needed. you can copy somewhere it wont show on any layout. most important is that you copy armature. But if ou like calculating there is an option where you can manually add extra rebars of certain mark.
If there is a better way, let me know.

Thank you for response, but I am designing mainly large constructions with huge ammount of repeatable elements, then in case of any change - for example every column must be reinforced with additional rebar or diameter of stirrups changes, I would be forced to make those changes to every element in the project which generates extra time of work and may result in human error.

I am looking for some way to put the reinforcement once, then modify only one element - like it is done with smart elements.