Report query syntax and functions

  • Rdlc


I saw a lot of functions in the query of standard reports ( like f=MT_Raum(@507@) and other), and would like to use them. Where can I find the documentation of query syntax and functions?

And I also interested in the function something like "Split()" for separation string, and how to write this at the query level. is this possible?



Documentation on reports and legends can be found on allplan connect. Just type "report", you will find a 3 part manual on legends and reports.
This is a very consise documentation, I know. In order to get a better grasp of it, I recommend using the microsoft visual web developper (version 2008 is the one i am using for the reports). The web developper allows you to visually change properties of reports and, at the same time see the generated code which will help you to understand better.

for the split function, I am not sure how to handle this...

good luck,
