[Frage] Spiral reinforcement [Gelöst]

Please, can anyone help, how to draw the spiral reinforcement? Step by step. Every time I try, program gives me error message: Spiral geometry not possible..I guess I am making mistake at the drawing outline step, I am not sure...

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Hello Norah,

1. You need a column or a 3D-Cylinder
2. Then you make a front view and a cross section with the reinforcement views and sections
3. Create a circle with the diameter of the column as an construction line element
4. Place the circle in the cross section
5. Start the function "Circular Reinforcement"
6. Choose "Spiral Reinforcement" and set your reinforcement parameters
7. Now go to the front view and define the axis of the column from bottom to top
8. In the next step you specify the outer edge of the column
8a. From bottom to top on the left site or
8b. From top to bottom on the right site
9. Press ESC once when you´re done
10. The last step is to define the axis in the cross section. The previously drawn circle helps you to find the midpoint.
11. Allplan will generate the spiral and you will still be able to change your reinforcement parameters via the palette if you don´t like
12. Press ESC to finish the reinforcement and exit the function

After completing the function you can return to the parameters of the spiral reinforcement via propertie palette.

kind regards


Florian Müller
Support Engineer

ALLPLAN Deutschland GmbH
Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1
81829 Munich, Germany

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Hello Norah,

1. You need a column or a 3D-Cylinder
2. Then you make a front view and a cross section with the reinforcement views and sections
3. Create a circle with the diameter of the column as an construction line element
4. Place the circle in the cross section
5. Start the function "Circular Reinforcement"
6. Choose "Spiral Reinforcement" and set your reinforcement parameters
7. Now go to the front view and define the axis of the column from bottom to top
8. In the next step you specify the outer edge of the column
8a. From bottom to top on the left site or
8b. From top to bottom on the right site
9. Press ESC once when you´re done
10. The last step is to define the axis in the cross section. The previously drawn circle helps you to find the midpoint.
11. Allplan will generate the spiral and you will still be able to change your reinforcement parameters via the palette if you don´t like
12. Press ESC to finish the reinforcement and exit the function

After completing the function you can return to the parameters of the spiral reinforcement via propertie palette.

kind regards


Florian Müller
Support Engineer

ALLPLAN Deutschland GmbH
Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1
81829 Munich, Germany

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Größe: 35,97 KiB