
We have a huge problem regarding the "Strech Entities" function.

In generated sections it doesn't work properly.
If there is 2 object behind each other and we want to modify them both, only the one on the front gets modified. Please see attached video.
With previous section type "Create Section" function this work perfectly, but unfortunately this function is not avialable since Allplan2023.
This issue is very inconvenient and unintuitive. This is probably just a bug, because we can't see the logic behind it.
Unfortunately this is a major issue for our company since we require a lot of modelling work and this issue makes it very difficult and therefore we still have to use Allplan2022.
This problem is particularly frustrating for instance if we have 100 columns behind each other and we want to modify something on all of them.

Could you please fix this issue? Or could you make the previous section function avialable again for modelling purposes?

Thank you for any response or help.

Zoltán Seres

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