[Frage] Allplan hangs after closing ProjectPilot window

  • Allplan 2019

Allplan hangs after closing ProjectPilot. I have to manually kill the ProjectPilot Application process after every use in Task Manager.

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you can try to start the ProjektPilot with local Windows administration rights
(Right Mouse -> Start as Admin)

and then Close the ProjectPilot .. ProjectPilot is trying to write some Keys in Windows registry (last viewed elements etc) and when not enought richts to create such Keys in Windows registry, the pilot hangs sometimes ..

once the Keys in Windows registry exists, the Problem goes away

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Thanks for your tip, but it does not help.
Allplan still hangs on closing ProjectPilot after copying/moving drawing files between projects.

I have check the ProjectPilot process with ProcessMonitor and I did not saw any failed registry operation.

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