Cannot acces the other drawings of the project [Gelöst]

I have encountered a bizarre problem: I can't acces the other drawings of my project when working in Allplan. I mean when I am clicking the icon to open the drawings of my project, it appears that the drawings list window appeared (because everything else isn't active), but I can't see it anywhere.
The same thing happens when I'm in the Processing Plan section (I don't know how to translate this, my allplan language is not english) and I want to add a drawing in the layout for printing: the drawings window seems to be open, but it's not visible on the screen.
And this thing happens to all the projects in allplan, not to a single one.
I have never encountered this problem and I really need my allplan to be functional fast. If anyone did and knows what's wrong or at least has an idea about it, please tell me, as fast as possible.
Thank you


If i understand correctly, you click on the icon "open file" or "open layout" but nothing is display.

In my opinion it means that your windows of Allplan are in an other screen.

This happent when you use two screen and you switch to one temporary.

To resolve this trouble, there is two possibility.

1* Add a second screen and move the window of Allplan the first one.

2* close allplan and go to the registery.
In the registery go to the key: "ANWHALDLG"

You just have to delete the folder "ANWHALDLG"

After start Allplan and try, IT will work better.

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Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

Thank you!

Deleting "AnwahlDlg" worked like a charm.

All the best!



And now, have an happy new year!

Good Use!

Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006