Dear Csaba,
Thé formating of an attribut is defined belong to the attribut type. For example, we distinguish Text string (A10), integer (I3), float(F8.2), date (D11),money (W4).
You can find main information in the help line with labelstyle, attribut and formula.
About the date, if you use attribut specific for a date, than you can use a formatting D8, or D11 but the result will depend on your regional local setting on windows. So one will be the short date and other can be the long one.
Allplan doesn’t have other special setting but is related to windows.
So I will recommend tou to first define what you want in allplan.
Than you should have the same In the report.
Let’s say ddmmyy. If you need another output, you can easily define a formula in the report to define your own syntax by using the command MID() as in allplan.
If your text is ddmmyy FOR @397@
Create a formula like:
´´+MID(@397@;5;2)+´´+MID(@397@;3;2) +´´+MID(@397@;1;2)
So you should get YYMMDD.
There is a different way to go but this is the one i use sometime.
Bye & good Use!
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