New Smartpart Mesh_tool Allplan 2012-2013

Hi, for all of those who think the mdt - geo tool is too difficult to use for simple terrain modelling, I'm "giving" you a mesh_tool smartpart. Just drag and drop it in the allplan menu.
Tips for using it:
- When you want to change the z coordonate double click on the smartpart press Ctr button and click the point you want to change and enter the value wanted
- For adding new points to the polygon press the middle intermedate handle points (like in giorgio antrone smartpart).
- For removing a point press the handle point where you see an X in the preview mode
- For adding/removing curve properties to a line press the handle point with a cirlce in the preview mode

- For the number of intermediate points, in the smartpart menu enter a value at "Number of intermediate points"
Now this is just a tool to ease your work in allplan, of course, this smartpart can be improved, being a parametric object, with the experienced knowledge, you have the posibility to add any new features to it.

Hope you enjoy it

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Thank you for this Smartpart.
Seems to be very useful.

Updated smartpart Mesh.......
Unfortunately, I made an error at the previous smartpart with the intermediate points settings, as you couldn't move the extra intermediate points if their number was bigger than the number points of the contour.
I've corrected it.
I also created a new version with editable curve radius for some lines, and 3d thickness.
Unfortunately, this works a little slow in the 2d preview.

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