Reports: @VOB@ filter

  • Allplan
  • Reports
  • VOB

Hi everybody,

We have some questions about to use or not to use filter @VOB@ in reports.

We know that "Filter Report" is like "Selec" in "Legende Definiere" tool.
It's possible to "filter" by or combining:
- Allplan Object Type
- Trade (Gewerk)
- Attribut

In Allplan, there are some reports that use filter @VOB@, instead to use filters like Objekt, Gewerk or Attribut.
- What is this filter @VOB@?
- How works this filter @VOB@ in a report?
- When we have to use this filter?
- What is the difference to use this filter, instead to use a combination of "normal" filters (Objeckt, Gewerk, Attribut)?

Thanks a lot,
Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

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Hi Xavier,
I think it's to apply VOB calculation as it is defined in the VOB files (see ...\ETC\ for Spain).

Hi Xavier,
I think it's to apply VOB calculation as it is defined in the VOB files (see ...\ETC\ for Spain).

Thanks for your answer Bertrand_C, it's vey useful.

I have some questions about the vob file. To do a correct VOB file, it's important to do correct "entries", and in the vob file this is explained, but it's not fully explained. In the vob file, it's writed the next text:
//1.eintrag -> gewerkkenner
//2.eintrag -> bauteil (-1 == default)
//3.eintrag -> abrechArt (0 = m3 / 1 = m2 / 2 = m / 5 = geo / -1 = default)
//4.eintrag -> Berechnungsmethode (-1=default, 1=Volumen,2=Grund,3=Boden,4=Decken,5=Seiten,6= Mittelfläche)
//5.eintrag -> Abrechnungskriterium

I have some questions for every "eintrag":
Very clear, we don't have any question
what's meaning when the value is "-1"?
what is the value "5=geo"?
and the value 3 and 4: are they missing?
Which is the default value?
In this example: #024#0012#01#-1#@229@>0 -> whats mean value "-1"?
Which is the default value?
In this example: #023#1023#01#-1#1=1 -> whats mean "1=1"?
In this example: #012#0012#01#-1#1=0 -> whats mean "1=0"?

Thanks a lot!
Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

-1 means "not used", applied on any object

Maybe it's accoding to the geometry... I think it's not used a lot.
The default value (-1) is the unit used for the object.

"-1" means that the calculation is made with the default calculation for this kind of object. For example, a column is in m, a wall in m2, etc...

"1=1" means that it's always counted as a quantity. There is 1 object (it's not the length or the surface)
"1=0" means that we exclude it to the calculation (I think).


Wow! thanks a lot, Bertrand_C :-D

Best regards,
Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

Good luck!