[Frage] Smart part "special" beam

Hi, does anyone know how to make a beam smartpart where it is possible to move points 1 and 2 in x,y,z?

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Point1 = Insertation Point / Local origin of SmartPart
Place Handle at Point2
Calc rotation anlges in 2D and 3D
Add rotations with calced angles
Create BOX

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Point1 = Insertation Point / Local origin of SmartPart
Place Handle at Point2
Calc rotation anlges in 2D and 3D
Add rotations with calced angles
Create BOX

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Zitiert von: Nemo
Point1 = Insertation Point / Local origin of SmartPart

Place Handle at Point2

Calc rotation anlges in 2D and 3D

Add rotations with calced angles

Create BOX

Thank you very much Nemo for information and smartpart! In your example you insert only andle at point 2...it's possible insert andle also in point 1?

No, because the moving of this handle (at insertation point) has to move the whole SmartPart.
This logic is not implemented in SmartPart! Therefore you need a special kind of handle...

Zitiert von: Nemo
No, because the moving of this handle (at insertation point) has to move the whole SmartPart.

This logic is not implemented in SmartPart! Therefore you need a special kind of handle...

Thank you Nemo for clarification. Too bad it can't be done, it would have been one more possibility to be able to move both points in space.

Of course you can add a second point as handle, and calculate the angles between these 2 points.
But before the construction you would have to pack the coordinates of this point as offset displacement into a TRANS command.
The instertation point stays somewhere in the space. In order for the SmartPart selection to work, you still need to check the "Automatic calculation of bounding box".

Zitiert von: Nemo
Of course you can add a second point as handle, and calculate the angles between these 2 points.
But before the construction you would have to pack the coordinates of this point as offset displacement into a TRANS command.

The instertation point stays somewhere in the space. In order for the SmartPart selection to work, you still need to check the "Automatic calculation of bounding box".

Thank you for clarification! It's too complicated for me.

Don't worry, you can do it!

Look at the modified SmartPart Beams2.smt.
It has 2 Points :-)

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Zitiert von: Nemo
Non preoccuparti, ce la puoi fare!
Guarda lo SmartPart Beams2.smt modificato.

Ha 2 punti :-)

Thank you very much Nemo!
I can do it yes... but thanks to Nemo!

Zitiert von: Nemo
Don't worry, you can do it!
Look at the modified SmartPart Beams2.smt.

It has 2 Points :-)

Hi Nemo , for special cuts on heads it is better work with group_diff or prism_?

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