[Frage] Smartpart floor

Hi, does anyone know if it is possible to make a floor using smartpart? The floor should adapt to the shape of the room. Or is it better to make it with the "smart installation" function? the attached scheme is a simple typology but it could also be more elaborate (for example with octagons or other types of flooring)

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11 - 20 (20)

Zitiert von: Nemo
This problem ist fixed here

Hi Nemo, your new smartpart it's run very well. Thank you very much for help! Goodbye.

Hi Nemo , I implemented the smartpart with the insertion of the small insert. The problem now is finding a way to make the tile take on different aspects (material) compared to the insert

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Hi Nemo , I implemented the smartpart with the insertion of the small insert. The problem now is finding a way to make the tile take on different aspects (material) compared to the insert

I don't understand what is meant by "insertion of the small insert" and "different aspects (material) compared to the insert".
So I cannot help you.

Zitiert von: Nemo

Hi Nemo , I implemented the smartpart with the insertion of the small insert. The problem now is finding a way to make the tile take on different aspects (material) compared to the insertI don't understand what is meant by "insertion of the small insert" and "different aspects (material) compared to the insert".

So I cannot help you.

...look the attachment, maby you understand. P.S. Material is not fill but, for exemple, marble 1 for platten "octagonal", marble 2 for platten "insert" and mortar for fugen.

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OK, you have meant an "Inlay"!

Here is the SmartPart for this.

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Zitiert von: Nemo
OK, you have meant an "Inlay"!
Here is the SmartPart for this.

Thank you very much!

I have optimized the creation of the joints.
The panels are no longer subtracted individually, but the joints are now constructed around each panel.

This has radically increased performance.

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Zitiert von: Nemo
I have optimized the creation of the joints.

The panels are no longer subtracted individually, but the joints are now constructed around each panel.
This has radically increased performance.

Hi Nemo, very good... now the smartpart is much faster like this. The only thing to review is the appearance of the lines that I marked in red (see sketch) when "Fugen hinzufugen" is active and "Einleger Breite" is >= 0

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This is the disadvantage of creating the joints separately without subtracting each tile!
But this should not be a problem!
In Section you don't see this edge, and also in animation window it is only visible, if you have "Edges" activated!

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Zitiert von: Nemo
This is the disadvantage of creating the joints separately without subtracting each tile!

But this should not be a problem!
In Section you don't see this edge, and also in animation window it is only visible, if you have "Edges" activated!

Ok, thank you for clarification and new smartpart. Goodbye
11 - 20 (20)