[Frage] BarAreaPlacementProperties [Gelöst]

where I can find enum values to define BarAreaPlacementProperties?

Definition of BarAreaPlacement hasn't field "Bar number" (to add label in next step). Is it possible to add label to BarAreaPlacement?

best regards,

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Hello Krzysztof,

please have a look at the file ...\etc\VisualScripts\Reinforcement\BarPlacement\NodeBarAreaPlacement.py

Here you get the needed information about the usage of BarAreaPlacementProperties, ...

Best regards

Hello Krzysztof,

please have a look at the file ...\etc\VisualScripts\Reinforcement\BarPlacement\NodeBarAreaPlacement.py

Here you get the needed information about the usage of BarAreaPlacementProperties, ...

Best regards

Thank you - these examples are very helpful.

Best regards