[Frage] *.py file path [Gelöst]

Hi Everyone,

I'm interested if it is possible or not to define in the *.pyp file a path other than the "PythonPartsScripts" directory.
I want to store the *.py files on a secure server or on a cloud.
As far as I know, as described on allplan.pythonparts.com, "The path must be related to the PythonPartsScripts directory, found in the std or prj path from Allplan. Sub folders can be used and must be separated by the \ character".

Thank you in advance.


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the syntax is :

mklink /D "Link" "Target"

full article here

Link: Specifies the name of the new symbolic link

Target: Specifies the path to which the new link refers

so in your case :

mklink /D "C:\Data\Allplan\2024\Std\PythonParts\" "C:\Temp\PythonParts\"

replace your std path



The python script (*.py) must be into a "PythonPartsScripts" directory (in STD for example) but you can set up a symbolic link if your files need to be in a different place.



Thank you for the answer.
Could you give me an example, for instance the path should be "C:\Temp\PythonParts\"


the syntax is :

mklink /D "Link" "Target"

full article here

Link: Specifies the name of the new symbolic link

Target: Specifies the path to which the new link refers

so in your case :

mklink /D "C:\Data\Allplan\2024\Std\PythonParts\" "C:\Temp\PythonParts\"

replace your std path


Thank you very much for the detailed answer.
I will test it as soon as possible.

Have a great one.
