[Frage] is it possible to create circular or spiral strirrups?

  • Question
  • -how
  • To
  • 2021-1-2
  • Visual
  • Scripting


Is it possible to create circular stirrup or spiral stirrup in Visual Scripting?
If not, is there any work-around to prepare the rebar geometry in VisualScriptig than continue or finish it in Allplan?
If not, is it planned in the nearby future to develop them?

Thank you,

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Hello Balázs!

There is a possibility to draw such a mathematical stirrup based an a mathematical function.

There lays a function within allplan that allows you to (probably) build such a stirrup. Although it's only 2D.

I can't help you with the english expression, but in german it is called Funktion zeichnen.

Hope it helps!

Greetings, Martin

Bautechnik GmbH. | A-2100 Korneuburg | Raiffeisenstraße 1

Helló Martin!

Thank you for your response. Is it a function in Allplan or in Allplan Visual Scripting?
I found the function in Allplan, and I also found something similar in Visual Scripting as well, but I can not fully understand how can I use this node in Visual Scripting. Do you know is there any description for the different nodes in Allplan Visual Sripting?


Good Morning Balázs!

Actually it is a function in Allplan!

Wheter or not there is a node in Visual Scripting ... I am sorry, I don't know!

I am keen on leraning VS in the near future but so far, there was no time frame which allowed me to give it a try! As far as I remember there should be an index of all VS functions with in Allplan.

I just gave it a quick try and found the following ... see the picture nearby!

Greetings, Martin

Bautechnik GmbH. | A-2100 Korneuburg | Raiffeisenstraße 1

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Zitiert von: balka05
Helló Martin!
Thank you for your response. Is it a function in Allplan or in Allplan Visual Scripting?

I found the function in Allplan, and I also found something similar in Visual Scripting as well, but I can not fully understand how can I use this node in Visual Scripting. Do you know is there any description for the different nodes in Allplan Visual Sripting?

I don't think that can make the Circular rebar.

The circular and spiral rebar are currently not available yet in Visual Scripting. But we planed to add them.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH