[Frage] MultiLengthModification Visibility

Dear all,
I tried to use MultiLengthModification node and set the visibility with some condition. However those lengths are not hidden from palette like like LengthInput node. Is there any conditions required for this node for the visibility option?

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The Node MultiLengthModification seems not to work with those settings... Those on the node MultiLengthInput works.
What do you want to accomplish with that node? Do you just want to modify an existing length?

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

Hi Xinling, thanks for the response.

I am currently working on script to read existing model in drawing file and generate rebar model for it. So the existing lengths would be the length from the reading and the modified lengths are the override values in case users want to manually edit the dimensions.

As for today I am using the latest Allplan 2022-1-6 and still seeing this visibility issue. I wonder if there are other method that I can use