Hi everybody!

In Allplan 2020-1-1, when we export a curtain wall (Fassade) to IFC, this element is exported as an element that group a set of subelements (plate, profiles, etc...). The exported IFC of a curtain wall is geometrically correct, and the relationships between parent (the curtain wall) and the childs (plates, profiles, etc...) are also correct. This allows us to do queries, quality checks and QTO in IFC more precisses: by curtain walls or by curtain wall subelements.

But when we export a railing (gelander) to IFC, Allplan only export the parent object (railing), but NOT the subelements. Geometrically
railing is complete, but not exported the subelements.

Is there any workaround to export railing to IFC, with same results like curtain walls?

I attach two images and a zip file, that contains 2 IFC, in IFC_2x3 and IFC_4

Thanks and best regards,
Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM • http://www.eipm.es/en/

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