Defining new report

  • Reinforcment. Reports

When I try to define a new report format , I experience a very delayed response like the process takes too long to execute itself. This means i can only see loading icon for a very long time. Could some body help or advice what could be the problem.
I would certainly feel happy if allplan support helps me to troubleshoot on this issue.

Alpllan version 2018.

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Sometimes the report window appears on a non existing screen.
I have this problem because i use a notebook at different workspaces with different monitors.

I "solve" this problem by plugging off the external monitors. Then the window appears on the notebook screen.

It' s not a problem specific to allplan, it' s a windows problem...


perhaps it opened in background?
try alt+tab to switch between programms..

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Sometimes the report window appears on a non existing screen.
I have this problem because i use a notebook at different workspaces with different monitors.

I "solve" this problem by plugging off the external monitors. Then the window appears on the notebook screen.

It' s not a problem specific to allplan, it' s a windows problem...
