Try to stretch the custom polygonal bars but Allplan automatically make a new mark number for stretched bars [Résolu]

  • Allplan 2017-1-2

Hi all,

I have a problem with stretching custom polygonal bars. I try to make varies bars for circle recess with one bar mark but when I try to adjust the length of some bars allplan automatically change to a new mark number for the stretched bars. Can we turn it off this feature?
It never happened in the previous version of Allplan for "stretching" polygonal bars except for "moving".
Attached images are an example of my problem above.


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if you have some opening or holes in the area you are about to reinforce you can add openings while you are marking the surface (its the first icon to the left in "foto3" in my post above), on this way there will be no bars put through it, or if the opening is small and does not require additional reinforcement you can just ignore it and leave a note to the executioner to cut the bars where the opening is.


what if you try to use SURFACE REINFORCEMENT option? You can mark area you are interested in and in further step set up bars numbering to be not dependent on their length, one number for all bars of that distribution.

Hi Jakub,
Thank you for the answer. Could you tell me in which menu of Engineering tools that I can find "Surface Reinforcement" option? Because my Allplan doesn't seem to have that option. Does this option has the same properties as standard placing rebar? (Like, we can modify placement for the c.t.c spacing, the number of bars, etc.), Thank you


Hi Danus,

I attached some photos below showing you how this option works and where is located, "SURFACE REINFORCEMENT" was my own translation so maybe in english version it is called differently, nevertheless I have marked its location in the "foto1", later you have to choose "surface reinforcement" and then you have to mark area where you want your bars to be placed (foto3), you also define general cocrete cover around the edges of your concrete element, bottom level and the thickness of the element, the last thing to set up in this step is concrete cover perpendicular to the element surface you are about to reinforce (bottom or top). The last step is presented in the "foto4", there you can define bar diameter, spacing and more, in the additional options (marked in red) you can set up wheter you need bars to be numbered separetely or with one number, I leave the rest for you to discover but feel free to ask if you need some more explanation or I was not clear at some point. And please let me know if it was helpful for you at all

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Hi Jakub,

Thanks for the info, This is new for me .
Unfortunately, the recess was a circle. How do I make a varies bars with the surface reinforcement tools?


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if you have some opening or holes in the area you are about to reinforce you can add openings while you are marking the surface (its the first icon to the left in "foto3" in my post above), on this way there will be no bars put through it, or if the opening is small and does not require additional reinforcement you can just ignore it and leave a note to the executioner to cut the bars where the opening is.

Hi Jakub,

Great!.. it's done thanks for your help, have a good day
