Schedule for smartparts

At some moments we will need some a posibility calculations for the smartpart objects we use. Because these are custom objects there is only one type of report given by allplan

So you will need to make your one schedule.

First step is define your cells which you want to use. Be careful, in choosing the attributes which you want to be calculate. You can use from "Archit. quantities" to "General architecture", or other types of attributes ....

1. First choose "Name" from "General architecture"
2. Second define a graphic window (optional)
3. Now, choose the quantity you want to find out, it could be a volume, a number, a surface, a formula .... (you should avoid the attributes as "quantity" or "material".
In my example I chosed V6 from general architecture which will show the number of parking lot for a parking_lot smartpart.
4. I chose the lenght attribute from the "Archit. quantities"

After you've done this use the the command define list/schedule from the Tools\Bonus tools\List generator. In this window press at "select" and choose smartpart, then define the row by selecting all the positioned attribute and finally press lock and name your list.
Then press modify list/schedule and press the rdl button to export it.

Now for the smartpart in the parameters zone check the button with all attributes and give for the number of parking lot the attribute 'v6' and for the width the attribute "length".

Then from the report, list command choose from the folder office your report

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Size: 280,32 KiB

And another example with cubes

Allegati (2)

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1420 scaricato
Size: 352,10 KiB
Type: application/octet-stream
1573 scaricato
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