I have a wall reinforcement where the bars gone wrong. I cannot delete, copy or mirror. Just the rebars, other elements work fine. I tried to copy in project pilot to an other project but there is the same problem. Recall the whole project but nothing.. Any Idea?
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[Domanda] Reinforcement bug [Risolto]
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There is a way to fix this, yet I do not know what causes this.
The reinforcement will show when you follow these steps:
1. Create new reinforcement in one of the reinforcement drawing files. The fastest way to do this is to place a random reinforcement pythonpart from the Allplan "standard" library;
2. Use the All-1 option in Reinforcement tools on a bar you just created new, in the plan view (as you call "top down").
The "hidden" bars will appear again directly.
Allegati (1)
Maby you can select the reïnforcement by inserting them in a free 3D view. (associative view - select free view - select all reinforcement in the animation window) Sometimes the 2D representation of a rebar gets broken, if you can get them in a 3D view and change a parameter they might be fixed.
I've been seeing corrupt reïnforcement more lately, I hope this gets fixed.
I guess this is the same problem?
i can see rebars everywhere except top down...
and they are unselectable...
Allegati (1)
There is a way to fix this, yet I do not know what causes this.
The reinforcement will show when you follow these steps:
1. Create new reinforcement in one of the reinforcement drawing files. The fastest way to do this is to place a random reinforcement pythonpart from the Allplan "standard" library;
2. Use the All-1 option in Reinforcement tools on a bar you just created new, in the plan view (as you call "top down").
The "hidden" bars will appear again directly.
Allegati (1)
This only works for the problem Ziga mentions, which is different than the problem in the original post
marvelnem do u work with bulding structue or filset structure?
IIf u work with fileset structure how much drawing files u have in this fileset?
IIf u work with associative view do u have views on the same drawing file, that u have reinforcement?
Thank you Sander, but I must inform you that your solution did not work. Here are .ndw files. tb002120 is the broken reinforcement file and tb000201 is the model file.
Allegati (2)
Again i must inform you Sander, that you are right. This solution works only if you have updated Allplan to 2019-1-5. I tried with my 2019-0-7 and didn't work.
I dunno why allplan wasn't updating my program hotfixes by itself. have a nice day.
The reinforcement will show when you follow these steps:
1. Create new reinforcement in one of the reinforcement drawing files. The fastest way to do this is to place a random reinforcement pythonpart from the Allplan "standard" library;
2. Use the All-1 option in Reinforcement tools on a bar you just created new, in the plan view (as you call "top down").
The "hidden" bars will appear again directly.
I got the same problem with new associate views in Allplan 2019. It's helpful thanks SanderP.
Hello, here again with similar problem, now I use Allplan 2020 and have visible armature in plan view, but invisible in animation.
Armature is selectable, but cant be moved or copied... any ideas?