[Domanda] Types of steel in Allplan

  • Allplan 2020-1-2

Where I can set diferent types of steel for reinforcement rebars in Allplan?

Cause I only have option to use steel type B500B or tragband...

I want, for exemple, use rebars with inox steel... Is possible?

Thank very much!

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Hi Ricardo,

since i have not an english version of allplan i don't if following terms are correct.
The settings are in the same menu as options and shortcuts.

We have inserted the inox rebars as a seperate 'section' via ex-/ (re)import a favorite file.
In the favorite file you can insert with a text editor a new section for innox steel. Or just copy B500B to B500NR (innox for germany).
Addtional you have to modify a few ID numbers in the copied section.

After the succeded import you have an addtional rebar section when you create a new rebar.


Hi Ricardo,

since i have not an english version of allplan i don't if following terms are correct.
The settings are in the same menu as options and shortcuts.

We have inserted the inox rebars as a seperate 'section' via ex-/ (re)import a favorite file.
In the favorite file you can insert with a text editor a new section for innox steel. Or just copy B500B to B500NR (innox for germany).
Addtional you have to modify a few ID numbers in the copied section.

After the succeded import you have an addtional rebar section when you create a new rebar.
