Allplan Campus – Your service platform!

Whether the issue relates to questions, tips or current information about Allplan – as a member of Allplan Campus, you can exchange information around the world quickly and easily. From the user forum to countless downloads, from online libraries and training services right through to technical support – a comprehensive range of services is waiting for you.

Have a look for yourself and become part of the Allplan community!

Registration is free!


  • If possible, please use your university email address. This makes it easier for us to activate your account and speeds up the process overall.
  • In case of error messages, it usually helps to delete the cookies in the browser. After that, restart the browser and repeat the registration process. If necessary, update your browser or use an alternative browser.
  • Members of Allplan Connect can use their login data and password and start using Allplan Campus.
  • You can also use the email address and the password of an existing Allplan Bimplus account to login.

You have registered, but did not get the Email to confirm your new Account? 
Or too often tried a wrong password? Tried to delete Your account to be able to register again?
Any other issues with login?

In any of the cases above:
Try to set a new password, as this also use confirms your account and recycels a deleted account.​​​​​​​

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