Test your PC System

You can easily find out with the help of our system test, if your PC meets the necessary technical requirements for Allplan. Just download the System Test file. The System Test is performed automatically after starting the tool and analyzes if your computer is configured and able to install the new version.

Decision support for the choice of graphics card - for school and university

Depending on what you mainly want to use your computer for, the requirements for the graphics card are very different.

You should consider what is important for your situation. 

Read full document: Decision support for the choice of graphics card

Hardware Search

Graphics cards

Allplan has been tested and certified for use with various graphic cards: With the following filters, you can find specific graphics cards that fit your requirements.

Large-Format Printers

Allplan has been texted and certified for use with various large format printers:  With the following filters, you can find specific wide format printers that fit your requirements.

We do not recommend consumer-level graphics cards. For more information on graphics cards, please read this FAQ >>
3D basics (beginners): Workstation: > 1 GB The animation window is used every now and then, small models
3D basics (beginners): Workstation: > 2-4 GB The animation window is used every now and then, small models
Performance (advanced users): Workstation: 1-2 GB The animation window is used regularly, medium-sized models
Performance (advanced users): Workstation: ? 4-8 GB The animation window is used regularly, medium-sized models
High-end (professional users): Workstation: > 2 GB The animation window is used often, large models
High-end (professional users): Workstation: > 8 GB The animation window is used often, large models
Allplan 2012 is the last version to support Windows XP. We recommend Windows 64-bit.
Allplan 2013-0-2 and newer runs on this operation system. We recommend Windows 64-bit.
Allplan 2014-0-2 and newer runs on this operation system. We recommend Windows 64-bit.
Allplan 2015-1-10 / Allplan 2016-0-2 and newer runs on this operation system. Windows 64-bit required.
Allplan 2021-1-13 / Allplan 2022-0-0 and newer runs on this operation system. Windows 64-bit required.
Allplan runs on this operation system. We recommend Windows 64-bit.