

Opening an Animation window causes Allplan to crash most of the time. I can not see a pattern as to what might be the reason. Is this a possible bug? Is there a solution to this problem?
Your reply will be appreciated.
Thank you in advance,

Is your garphics card driver up to date?
Check if it's the last one.

Thank you for your reply.
I just updated my graphics card driver (NVidia Quadro FX 880M) v.341.05
As long as "Wizards" is not on (displayed, Animation works (sofar).
But when "Wizards) is on, two partial "Animation: Entire Model" windows open and shortly after Allplan closes.
If turning off the "Wizards" is a solution, I have to remember to do so :-)
But I think there must be a permanent solution for the problem. I hope you will be able to pinpoint the cause and solution.

What is your Allplan version?
Are you sure you use the version 2014-1-8?

it is Allplan 2014-1-8.
my computer is 64-bit, win7-pro

Please contact your Nemetschek support to analyze this trouble...

I sent the error log to Nemetschek. This is a student version, is there a separate support for it?