Opening an Animation window causes Allplan to crash most of the time. I can not see a pattern as to what might be the reason. Is this a possible bug? Is there a solution to this problem?
Your reply will be appreciated.
Thank you in advance,
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- CAD Architecture
Thank you for your reply.
I just updated my graphics card driver (NVidia Quadro FX 880M) v.341.05
As long as "Wizards" is not on (displayed, Animation works (sofar).
But when "Wizards) is on, two partial "Animation: Entire Model" windows open and shortly after Allplan closes.
If turning off the "Wizards" is a solution, I have to remember to do so :-)
But I think there must be a permanent solution for the problem. I hope you will be able to pinpoint the cause and solution.
it is Allplan 2014-1-8.
my computer is 64-bit, win7-pro
I sent the error log to Nemetschek. This is a student version, is there a separate support for it?