[Frage] Can't unlink smartsymbol


I'm working with an imported ifc-model we got from a contractor, sometimes when I want to unlink a smartpart an error message come up saying "coupled smartpart cannot be activated" (or something like that, "gekoppelde macro kan niet worden geactiveerd" in dutch)
Is there some way I still can unlink those smartparts?


Dears Wouter_W,

Can you provide use some data as example than we can analyse the issue.


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Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

I can't give you the projectfile because I've already found a way around the problem and haven't got the time to import it in a new project, but I will send you the ifc-file via pm.
I got around the problem by copying the locked macro's, the copied macro's unlinked wothout a problem.


Looks like copying the macro's and then exploding them doesn't work everytime.
Also, when I use the modify smart symbol tool (on these smartparts) I get a message saying active backgroundlayers aren't possible here.

Any solutions to this?