cinerender problem (or not?)


Helo !
This is my problem : on a test render , I set the quality on low and it works in a resonable amount of time . But on settings like medium or high the render takes forever to finish : an empty room with two textures and a window , for example , on hight , took 45 minutes ! Is something that I did wrong ? By the way , on youtube tutorials, I' ve seen everybody uses the low quality settings . In this case why give us options that we cannot use ?

11 - 18 (18)

Maybe try with a GeForce card... (Mine is GTX-660)

I have sent back a Quadro 4000 GPU because it didn't work well when I used the animation window in Allplan. Objects were disappearing when I was moving rotating the project. I checked this action with a gamer graphic card AMD Ati Radeon r9 270x and the result was a little bit better approximately with 3% almost nothing.

Which one of the two does the rendering in Allplan 2015-1-11 the CPU or the Graphic Card? I ask this because I see above an answer for trying Graphic Card GTX-660 for rendering.

Animation uses mainly the graphic card and rendering the CPU.
The main cause of using time during rendering is complex objects in the project...

I also tested the 970 GTX graphics card . No luck with the render time.... As for the Quadro not handling the animation window well, mine's got the same issue. (I've got the Quadro 3000 with 4GB ram). I also discovered something interesting : projects made with old Allplan (2006,2008 vs 2009 versions), that run flawlessly on a humble GT450 with 500MB or 1GB of memory, now will run on my system with the same inconsistency as described above : image an textures disappearing when rotating the project , textures not shown correctly , project turning very slow ..... strange...

Did you check if the project is near the origin point (0, 0, 0)?

Yes I've checked , all is OK with the origin of the project and the project itself. In fact until the cinerender engine was introduced, the animation window in Allplan was behaving normally. Now it behaves like in Cinema 4D on complex projects . I am used to this kind of representation from C4D but for a client that expects a continuous presentation is very awkward and uncomfortable.

Maybe try to reset all the surface parameters in your project. Maybe a texture slows down the project. Shut down lights too.

Check in Allplan options if OpenGL is used.

Check also if Allplan uses really your graphic card and not the integreted graphic card from the motherboard...
And check if your graphic card driver is up to date.

Thanks for trying to help . I've tried everything you mentioned but to no avail. I am using Allplan since 2003 and updated my projects with every new version and I never had any problems with the projects until the 2015 version. So if all was OK before I can not understand how now, suddenly, is not OK. I will wait for a new patch and hope that everything will turn to normal.

11 - 18 (18)