[Frage] Fassade

Hallo, it's possible make a facade like this? Thank you for help.

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Here are some FAQ's about the facades
Facade [ENG]
Fassade [GER]

Lg René

11 - 13 (13)

Zitiert von: Nemo
Look at the template "01d visibly screwed".

There the same is done with the screws.

It is a line object, with a subdivision...

Thank you Nemo for information! Goodbye

Hallo, it's possible make two whellbase (i1 and i2) for linear element like sketch? Thank you.

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Zitiert von: Danilos
Hallo, how make brackets on each jamb? Like linear object (point or line) or point object (point or line). P.S. Brackets is make with solid object. Thank you.

Hallo, for simmetrical brakets I make a new object or new element into same object? Thank you for help
11 - 13 (13)