[Frage] Correct definition of SectionType in documentation [Gelöst]

I've a problem with implement enum from SectionType. In documentation we can find f.e.:
"eHorizontalFromBelow = NemAll_Python_BasisElements.SectionType_Enum.eHorizontalFromBelow"

if I add it in my code:
section_prop_data.SectionType = AllplanBasisElements.SectionType_Enum.eHorizontalFromBelow

I get error:
AttributeError: module 'NemAll_Python_BasisElements' has no attribute 'SectionType_Enum'

How is correctly definition of enum?

best regards,

Lösung anzeigen Lösung verbergen

Hi Krzysztof,

sorry, there is a problem in the automatic generation of the documentation.

Because SectionType_Enum is included in the class SectionDefinitionProperties, the correct usage is


Best regards

Hi Krzysztof,

sorry, there is a problem in the automatic generation of the documentation.

Because SectionType_Enum is included in the class SectionDefinitionProperties, the correct usage is


Best regards

Hi Horst,
Thanks for quick response, That helps and this error is gone.

best regards,

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