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Allplan Steps to Success Layout Management (Allplan 2018 and later)

Allplan Exchange is a comfortable tool for web-based layout management and consists of two basic, interacting parts:

  • the local part that can be accessed straight from Allplan
  • the Internet-based online part

In this guide you will learn how to use the local part. It is designed to give you a detailed overview of the various options Allplan provides for managing and archiving layouts.

In six steps, you will learn how to assign layout attributes and index attributes to layouts as well as project attributes to projects. After this, you will integrate these layout attributes and project attributes in a title block, run analyses based on attributes and archive layouts using the Allplan Exchange Layout Distribution tool.

Note: This description 'Steps to Success Layout Management' applies to Allplan 2018 and later.
Please note that the training data are version-specific data.  You will only get correct results when you import the data to the Allplan version given.

Tags Layouts Allplan Exchange 2D general arrangement drawing Allplan 2019 Allplan 2018

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