[Question] Data loss on opened drawing files

  • Allplan
  • 2021
  • Data
  • Loss

Hi All,

I have some serious data loss issue. Time to time when doing reabr related work, ALpplan shuts down and all the drawing files which were opened at the time loose all content which is a big loss if tehre were many drawing files opened... it happens repeatedly. My local retailer was unable to give me any more advice than to share it in here. My hope is that it's a user realted problem, something I planted in, but because I couldn't send it to any expert for testing I don't know.

I would have the follwoing questions:

first of all how to test what causes the problem? (teher is no crtical element found but there is an unsually high number of clashing. and I don't think it supposed to be..)
How to restore the data if possible at all?
How to arrange an automated ferquent backup to an independent folder so it's not overwritten by the empty files?

thank you very much in advance if anyone can give any answres to the questions above!


Hi Evi,

Sadly I don't have a solution for this problem. I am writing this to say that we at our company also experienced this issue, Allplan crashing without any reason and all the active layers (gray, yellow and red) are deleted when restarting the software. We are working with the Workgroup manager, so project folder is on our network and users are working from their own computers to this shared location.

We tried logging the Allplan trace or a trace outside Allplan but sadly no new info. The traces are saying that Allplan, when crashing, is shutting down and saving the files with success. I personally think that in this last saving action (in combination with some other factors) in the crashing process is the problem because all the files Allplan is saying he saves are deleted afterwards. So I think the crash makes Allplan not save but erase the files.
Other only weird thing we found with people this happens to is that they have different paths, user and central folder, then the other users that are working in the same project. After we changed the paths for the people that experienced this crash the problem didn't occur (yet) again. It is hard to try to test if this is the real problem because the crash not occurs in a certain pattern or after a certain action/handling, not even this path change, so we don't know yet if this may be the or a cause for this crash but maybe you can look into this as well at your side and maybe it helps you... If not then my story only tells you: You are not alone!

Kind regards,


Hi Nick!

Thank you so much for taking your time to answer and share your similar expirience! I think this is exactely the same happenings we are talking about! I'm working alone so not with workgroup manager so only into a local folder.

Let me just ask what do you mean by different paths, user and central folder? diffreent to those who had no problems? and by the central folder, do you mean the shared folder created for the workgroup manager?

Thank you very much again! It would be wrong to say that I feel better by knowing that I'm not alone as I really don't wish this to anyone, but at least I'm not alone.....

Best Regards


Hi Evi,

Ah so your situation is again different then the ones we have seen... It just seems that there is no common thing in all the situations for which you can say, maybe it is that specific thing that causes the software to crash and delete. This problem we also already addressed to Allplan so my hope is that they can help us point where the needle in the haystack is. Sadly they didn't recognized it or heard it before so hopefully with this topic it will get more attention.
For now the only thing you can do is to set up a backup system for your project folder. There are free software online to do this but also Windows has a backup system that can be used, don't ask me how because our IT-department sets this up but I know it is possible.

Yes correct. The user and project folder was different at 2 persons who were working in the same project. So we thought this could be a cause because they were working/saving to the same project folder but person 1 via path A and person 2 via path B. So maybe the different roads to the same location could be causing the crash when they both want to somehow save or edit the same thing in the project. See also the screenshot of Allmenu which paths I mean.

Haha I know exactly what you mean. When we first encountered this problem at 1 person we thought exactly the same. But when more colleagues reported the problem at least we knew that it wasn't a personal problem which we couldn't find, we nearly replaced the laptop etc. It doesn't help solving the problem but at least you know it is not only you or your situation which has this problem. Hopefully someone comes with the golden tip to find the cause of this problem, or Allplan solves this bug somehow in upcoming versions

Kind regards,


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