[Question] there are limit length for a attribute in rdlc Allplan report? [Solved]

  • Allplan
  • Report
  • Rdlc
  • Limit
  • Lenght
  • Attribute

I have an Allplan report (rdlc) which contains an Allplan user attribute whose maximum length is 250 characters. That attribute is displayed correctly within Allplan with all its length, but however if I put it in a report, the value of that attribute is always cut to 81 characters. Does anyone know if there is a maximum limit on the values to display within an rdlc?



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String without DIM -> max 80
String with DIM -> maximum per Userdefinition - max 256

Namenlos gezeichnet in vollem Bewusstsein - ignorant, in eigen Augen vermutlich höflich, dennoch unhöflichst, unfreundlichst wer einen/viele vermutete - sich von alters erschließende Namen nennt.

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We will check it...


Allplan Product Owner

String without DIM -> max 80
String with DIM -> maximum per Userdefinition - max 256

Namenlos gezeichnet in vollem Bewusstsein - ignorant, in eigen Augen vermutlich höflich, dennoch unhöflichst, unfreundlichst wer einen/viele vermutete - sich von alters erschließende Namen nennt.

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Yes! seems it works.

Thanks Markus!