[Question] Bool Operation : MakeSubtraction and IFC export [Solved]


I'm encountering a problem with bool operations on 3D volumes.

In Allplan, the volume is correctly cut but when I export to IFC, the "excess" volume is present in the model.

How not to export it ?


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Yes it was surprising.

After checking the script, the volume was generated but under help construction.

This explains why we didn't see it in Allplan but it was exported in IFC.

Now it's just a 2D polylign.

I am relieved

Thanks for your quick return.


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This looks pretty unbelievable!

Are you sure that the correct data was exported?

Could you provide a drawing file with the problematic data here?

Yes it was surprising.

After checking the script, the volume was generated but under help construction.

This explains why we didn't see it in Allplan but it was exported in IFC.

Now it's just a 2D polylign.

I am relieved

Thanks for your quick return.


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